What is The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida? The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida is a charitable foundation established to serve the Catholic community by promoting Christian philanthropy. A community foundation, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida offers donors highly effective investment vehicles for their charitable resources, the finest professional stewardship of those funds, optimal tax benefits, and a program of generous and responsible giving to the community that creates meaningful and lasting legacies.

What is the Foundation’s relationship to the Diocese? The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida is an entirely independent entity, with its own 501(c)(3) designation, by-laws, Board of Directors, and staff professionals. It functions, however, as an integral part of the Diocese of Venice in Florida having been established by Bishop John J. Nevins in 2001 to create endowment funds upon which the Catholic Diocese of Venice in Florida could depend to generate the additional resources needed to serve its people, Catholic schools, and Catholic social service agencies. The Bishop is a Member and works with the Board of Directors.

Why do I need the Foundation? I already give to charity, and to my parish church. Today’s increasingly complex tax regulations and society’s myriad needs, both human and spiritual, complicate most simple acts of charity. How can we know we’re doing what’s best for our families and for our church and our community? How can we be sure we’ve optimized the tax advantages of charitable giving? How will we know our money is invested following Catholic principles and used wisely? Can we be certain our charitable wishes are being honored?

The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida addresses these issues to maximize the effect of your generosity. If you bring God’s call to give to the table, the officers and staff of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida can bring everything else – sophisticated legal and financial expertise, accountability in the charitable community, and sustainability. Plus, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida offers “one-stop charitable giving,” with a variety of plans that continue current donations to your Catholic school while at the same time planning for longer-term gifts and for making the Catholic community part of your will or estate plan.

Does the Foundation displace my lawyer and financial advisor? Not at all. The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida works closely with all professional advisors to create only the charitable giving component of your financial and estate planning. With their knowledge and insight, we can develop a plan that it is consistent with your overall personal, financial and spiritual goals, both currently and well into the future.

What kind of “plans” are available? As a full-service philanthropic foundation, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida offers an extensive range of options, each dependent on your personal resources and unique charitable objectives.

Examples of distinct types of gifts that are accommodated include:

  • An outright gift of cash or securities
  • A charitable bequest
  • A charitable gift annuity
  • A charitable remainder or charitable lead trust
  • A Donor Advised Fund

These, in turn, can be managed in a number of ways to optimize income and/or estate tax savings, to provide a secure income, to advance particular charitable interests, and/or to build Catholic School endowments and create an enduring legacy.

Your individualized plan may be as simple as a Donor-Advised Fund, created by an outright gift to The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida from which charitable donations can be distributed by the Foundation in accordance with your recommendations. Or it may be as complex as a Charitable Remainder Trust, a sophisticated and flexible planning tool that combines significant tax advantages with an income stream for the donor at the same time it provides for benefits to accrue to charity.

Is the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida mostly for wealthy donors? No. The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida hopes everyone in the Catholic community will participate in the spirit of charitable giving and realize the effectiveness and efficiencies of this trusted community foundation. Gifts of any size are welcome, and indeed, essential to the Foundation’s mission.

What if I have a family foundation already? Private foundations and community foundations like The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida are not mutually exclusive; they may serve similar, although not identical purposes. But community foundations like The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida often afford greater tax advantages and distribution flexibility, and they assume the otherwise costly and time-consuming record-keeping and reporting responsibilities associated with private foundations. In addition, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida brings a unique philanthropic focus to bear, thus providing donors with a way to build a particularly rich legacy in the Diocese of Venice in Florida. The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida welcomes the opportunity to work with you, your family, and your legal and financial advisors, and to provide any of our distribution, reporting, and grant-making services either via a grant from your private foundation that establishes a philanthropic fund at The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida, or via a conversion of your private foundation into a fund or support organization of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida.

How much does this cost? There are no fees associated with establishing a fund at The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida. However, there is a small fee charged for the management and administration of funds once they are established.  The fee depends on the type of fund and the investment option chosen by the donor.

How can I learn more about working with The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida? We encourage you to set up an appointment to discuss your particular charitable intentions with a member of our professional staff. Together with your legal and financial advisors, we will work with you and your family to develop a successful and satisfying program for your faithful philanthropy. Contact us.

How do I request that grants be made from my Donor Advised Fund at the Foundation? Each donor has access to a secure client portal that allows the donor to make grant requests, check balances and view previous grants.

What is the approval process for such grants?  The Foundation will verify that the recommended grantee is a qualified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit and is Catholic or a pro-life or social service agency whose mission is in alignment with the teachings of the Catholic Church.  The Foundation also verifies that the organization is qualified to use the funds for the purpose requested, and that the grant has been requested by a legally designated advisor of the fund. When the Foundation approves a specific grant, funds are generally distributed within 10 business days.

How often can I make grant requests? Grants requests can be submitted at any time.

Do grant recipients have to be Catholic organizations or agencies? Do they have to be in the Diocese of Venice in Florida? Donor Advised Fund grant recipients must be Catholic or a pro-life or social service agency whose mission is in alignment with the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Can grants be made to any individuals? No. Only 501(c)(3) organizations are eligible.

Can I use the resources of my Donor Advised Fund, then, to pay off a five-year pledge to an organization’s capital campaign? No. The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida cannot make grants to satisfy pledges you have made to any charity. This is because, in accordance with the IRS, when you make a contribution to a Donor Advised Fund at The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida you are entitled to take the full amount as a tax deduction, as you have received nothing material in return for your investment. If, however, the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida satisfies your pledge, you will be receiving something in return for your contribution – release from an obligation. The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida can make grants of certain amounts over a number of years, but not in fulfillment of any pledge or other obligation. If you have a donor advised fund, you should not sign a pledge card without first discussing your charitable commitment and wishes with a Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida professional.


What other kinds of charitable gifts cannot be distributed by the Foundation? Membership fees and dues, and tickets for seats or tables at charitable events are precluded from payment by the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida, as are contributions to political campaigns and lobbyists.


Do I get credit for grants I recommend and request be made from my fund(s) at The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida? When The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida makes a distribution, the recipient is notified that the grant has been made from your specific fund of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida. Acknowledgements are generally sent both to the Foundation and to you – to let you know that a gift was received and appreciated. The tax receipt, however, will be sent only to the Foundation, as you are not entitled to any further tax deductions, having realized the tax benefits when you established or contributed to your fund at the Foundation.


Is it possible for grants from the Foundation to be made anonymously? Yes. Many Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida donors choose anonymity. Simply request that neither the name of the donor nor the name of the fund be released.


Can my children participate as advisors to the fund(s) I have established? Yes. When you establish your fund, you will name the advisors – usually yourself and your spouse, and if you choose, your adult children. Many donors find their donor advised funds to be helpful tools for teaching philanthropy to their children. You can also stipulate that your children serve as advisors to the fund after your death, so as to retain your family’s participation for an additional generation.


What happens to the Donor Advised Fund(s) when I die? You can stipulate that your children or other successors serve as advisors to the fund following your death and throughout their lifetimes. At their deaths, the fund will become an endowment – either a permanent endowment in your family name (“The Smith Family Endowment Fund of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida”) or as part of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida’s Unrestricted Endowment Fund. The proceeds generated will be distributed by the Foundation in perpetuity and, to the extent possible, in accordance with your original charitable vision, i.e., if you have demonstrated a particular interest in funding Catholic schools the Foundation will honor that intention.


How much of the money in a fund can be given away in grants to charities? Because The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida can personalize every fund established – as long as compliance with all relevant IRS and state and local regulations is achieved – you will have the opportunity to determine your fund’s spending policy. You may choose to spend, or distribute, a percentage of your fund’s earnings, or a percentage of your fund’s value each year; or you may choose a policy that simply allows all of your philanthropic funds to “pass through” the Foundation en route to other Catholic charities, in which case, you could spend down the entire sum. Our donor professionals will be happy to discuss the options that will best serve your individual situation vis-à-vis your philanthropic vision, your income or tax status in any given year, and other relevant factors.


How will the money in my fund(s) be invested? The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida is committed to prudent Catholic investment strategies that our trustees believe will lead to the optimal use of your fund(s) in the charitable community, and are in accordance with guidelines of the United Stated Conference of Catholic Bishops. We work with professional investment advisors to achieve a competitive return consistent with board policies regarding risk and return. The specific investment asset allocation will depend upon the short-term and/or long-term objectives you stipulate when you establish the fund. Reports of donor funds are mailed quarterly.


How much control will I have over any charitable fund(s) I establish at The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida? Legally, once you have made a contribution to The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida to establish a fund, you have given control for all decision-making regarding the investment and distribution of those funds to the Foundation. At the same time, however, the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida makes a commitment to honor your personal philanthropic intention throughout your lifetime and, should you choose, in perpetuity. Your vision, then, informs every decision we make. We elicit that information at the time we establish the fund(s), and we steward on-going communication between all donors and the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida so that we can help you to realize your unique charitable vision.


What impact has The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida had in our community? Annually, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida provides $3.5 – $5.5 million to support scholarships, tuition assistance for needy families, Seminarian education, parish/school expenses, and many programs and ministries within the Diocese of Venice in Florida and beyond.

Primarily, The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida is defined by the gifts of our donors. But while we are, in fact, no greater than any one person who seeks to share his or her blessings, in the aggregate, we can, as a community foundation, become more. Joining together you and the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida combine our blessings and resources, we increase our capacity to grow and to impact the community. In addition, as funds accrue to our endowment, we enhance our ability to realize the promise of our Vision: to be a sustaining resource for meeting the needs of our Catholic community for all time.

To be a part of The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida is to join in this generous, creative, difference-making force.


How do I contact the Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida? You can simply call us at 941.441.1124, or fax 941.486.4737, or write to:

 The Catholic Community Foundation of SW Florida, Inc.
1000 Pinebrook Road Venice, Florida 34285


We will be honored to assist your efforts.

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