The Marilyn Brummer Fund

The Marilyn Brummer Fund concentrates its efforts on working with entities who are involved in anti-human trafficking assistance, assistance for single mothers, and AFCAAM of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Venice which is dedicated to enhancing the lives of children in the Dunbar community located in Fort Myers. Programs, projects, and entities must be located in, and associated with, the Diocese of Venice in Florida.
The 2024 Marilyn Brummer Grant Cycle has been opened. All applications will be due by July 31, 2024. To be considered by the Board of Directors for a grant the project must clearly be seen as a service to anti-human trafficking assistance, assistance for single mothers, and AFCAAM of Catholic Charities.
Fund for the Care of the Migrant Poor

The Foundation for the Care of the Migrant Poor concentrates its efforts on working to improve the health, education, and welfare of the migrants in the Diocese of Venice.
Contributions to the Foundation are used to provide help and support to many worthwhile causes within this community. Recent grants awarded by the Foundation include funding requests for literacy training, affordable housing, and food distribution. Under current economic conditions and high unemployment, the need to support the community is greater than ever.
The 2024 Foundation for the Care of the Migrant Poor Grant Cycle has closed. All applications will be due by Monday April 1, 2024. To be considered by the Board of Directors for a grant, the project must clearly be seen as a service to the migrant poor or new immigrants within the Diocese of Venice in Florida. Preference will be given to those projects under Catholic auspices.
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